With his sudden death, some of the websites and other systems that he set up are now frozen and may just suddenly disappear because he was the owner of some of the sites' domain names (the URL or interNet address) and was the sole moderator or administrator for others. There is a table of these sites on the Links page of this site. The orderly disposition of the on-line assets of estates is a rather new area for society at large. A friend of mine died about three years ago and the opening up and disposition of his vast on-line worlds was a nightmare. Are there any legal-beagles out there who know the legalities of all this? Is there one way to go about it or does every web hosting company have a different policy? I'm sure the family would be grateful for any help that anyone could give and I, for one, would hate to see all of his programs and on-line discussions just disappear. Send me an e-mail or add a comment by clicking on the comment counter below.